We need to know what YOU think about Sleepy Forest, then and now...
Sleepy Forest turned 36 years old this past January. My parents came to Big Bear in 1979 when they decided they wanted to work for themselves, and do something that helps other people. My Grandmother (Grandma Pool) suggested to my Dad that couples need a place and a way to mend relationships that are hard for everyone. My Dad created "Romantic Jacuzzi Cottages" in response to that. We have had countless return customers who are like family to us ever since. We have heard all the good and bad about our lodge ever since. We are now in an era when we want to continue to progress, and make Sleepy Forest Resorts something that you, and others you know, want to keep coming back to - and keep discovering new excitement and adventure! We are about to embark on a "Re-brand". We will keep our cherished vintage - or retro, if you will - logo and look - but modernize our rooms with simple, brighter vibes. We are considering a look that brings you back to the style of a cottage in 1945. So, here is where you come in - what do you think? What have you liked and disliked about our resorts? What should change? What SHOULDN'T change? What would make or break a visit to Sleepy Forest for you!? We appreciate your thoughts! Let us know when you respond so we can repay you with a great deal on a booking!!!
- Josh