This is what you will be required to sign and agree to upon checking into one of our Vacation Home Rentals, along with an authorized credit card. If you'd like, you may print and sign this ahead of time:
Unit: ________________________________ Date: ___________
Check in and Checkout times, Early Departure and Refunds Initial: _____
Check in time is 4:00 PM, (after 7 PM only by appointment with a $15 late check in fee). Check out is no later than 11:00 AM. Late check-outs are subject to additional charges. There can be no refunds for reduced number of nights. We are not responsible for, nor will we refund for any restricted use due to weather, road conditions, acts of nature, or anything beyond our control. Refunds of security deposits will be paid within 14 days by credit to the charged account or by company check.
Keys Initial:_____
Keys must be brought to our office upon check out. A drop box is provided for after hours use. Lost key charge $25.00
Occupancy, Vehicles, Parking Initial: _____
Your rental has an occupancy limit of ____ persons and ____ vehicles. You stated your party consists of ____ persons and ____ vehicles. Vehicles must be parked in the driveways and no vehicles must ever block neighboring property driveways. Lodging capacity is monitored by management and local officials. Exceeding listed occupancy is a violation of local ordinance, as well as California PC Section 537. The guest whose name the reservation is in (or the primary registering guest if the reservation is made under a group name) is responsible for the actions of all guests in their party including day guests. Undisclosed guests or illegal activity will result in immediate eviction without refund, including forfeiture of any deposits paid. Day guests must be approved in advance and must vacate the premises by sunset. Each rental unit has its own stated parking capacity, which is regulated by local law. For the safety and convenience of guests and neighbors and to comply with local law, please do not exceed this limit. Overnight parking or blocking other driveways on any residential street is not allowed and vehicles may be towed at owner’s expense. Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at owner’s expense.
Cleaning, Trash, Ashes Initial: _____
It is our intent to provide you with a rental that is clean, furnished and in good repair. Any missing or broken items should be reported to us as soon as possible. Your cleaning fee covers our cost in buying and maintaining a linen supply, paying housekeepers and buying cleaning supplies and does not mean you may leave the rental in any condition other than as you found it. You are not asked to launder linens or make beds; however, to avoid additional cleaning charges, please clean your dirty dishes, pots and pans, etc. Each unit will be inspected upon check out. Depending on the condition of the unit, you may be charged for additional cleaning or for the cost of missing or broken items or permanently soiled or damaged linens. All lodging is of the “Housekeeping” type. Daily maid service and/or linen service is not provided unless otherwise specified. Because agencies such as ours are denied access, PER CITY CODE, guests staying in any private homes may not use any exterior garbage cans and must take their trash to one of the following Clean Bear Sites (Do not dump trash in any other dumpster as you may be fined):41970 Garstin Road (next to the Hospital) – Look for the sign “CLEAN BEAR SITE I”
Pets Initial: _____ Pets, 1-2 dogs, are welcome only in those units that are listed as pet friendly for an additional charge. Evidence of the pet should remain on the property or inside the unit will result in additional charges. Pets may not be left unattended. Undisclosed pets will result in an additional fee of $100. Allowing pets in any unit that is not approved for pets will result in a $250 cleaning fee and immediate eviction without refund.
Smoking and Open Flames Initial: _____
All of our rentals are non-smoking. Smoking is allowed in any outside area unless otherwise indicated; however, we encourage consideration of other guests and neighbors. To avoid extra charges do not discard cigarette butts except by dowsing and proper disposal. Evidence of smoking or open flame inside any cabin (including candles without proper candle holders), or any open flame outside (other than the proper use of barbecues) may result in immediate eviction without refund and/or will incur an extra charge of $250 plus additional charges for any damage due to fire or smoke. Approved use of barbecues (charcoal briquettes, propane, or natural gas) means that once the flame has been lit, you do not leave the barbecue unattended for even a moment.
Spas (Cover must be kept locked when not in use) Initial: _____
Some of our rentals have outdoor spas. We service these spas weekly and between any guest occupations. The State of California recommends adults spend no more than 30 minutes in a spa at temperatures no greater than 100 degrees F due to risk of infection and that users wait 4 hours before re-entry. It further recommends that male children under the age of 15 and female children under the age of 11 not use the spa at all. We further recommend taking hot water showers before and after spa use and against usage of spas after consuming alcohol and against overcrowding the spa, both of which increase the risk of infection. Neither we nor the homeowner are responsible for any health and safety issues regarding usage of spas when said usage is in violation of the above recommendations. If you are sensitive to any chemicals used for spa maintenance, we recommend taking extreme care in using any spa. A spa is not a pool. Any excessive splashing that causes electrical components to be damaged or waterlogged or spills excessive water may result in extra charges. Do not use glass containers around the spa.
Heating Procedures, Hot Water Initial: _____
Upon check out, PLEASE LEAVE THERMOSTAT SET TO 60 DEGREES. DO NOT TURN FURNACE OFF in winter. Most mountain cabins have residential size 30 or 40 gallon hot water heaters. An average shower uses up to 20 gallons, so consecutive showers can deplete the supply of hot water. You may have to wait up to one hour for the hot water supply to return to normal.
Applicable Laws, Defrauding and Innkeeper Initial: _____
California Penal Code Section 537 calls for a fine of up to $1,000 and/or imprisonment in the state prison for up to 3 years for defrauding an innkeeper. Declarations are signed under penalty of perjury. Perjury is punishable under California Penal Code Section 126 and calls for imprisonment for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 4 years. Local ordinances make it unlawful to leave or park a vehicle upon a public roadway so as to interfere with any snow removal operations. Any violation of this ordinance may result in the removal of any illegally parked vehicle at owner’s expense.
Disclaimer, Use at your own risk Initial: _____
Neither the owners, management or staff of Sleepy Forest Resorts, nor any third party owners of Private Home or Condo Rentals are responsible for accidents, injuries, illnesses, or losses of any kind. As a condition of your received lodging, you agree to hold facility owners, management, employees and third party property owners harmless from any and all claims, including bodily injury, property damage or any other loss. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
Unique Mountain Community Initial: _____
Big Bear is a unique mountain community with conditions that are different from other areas. On very cold nights you may experience temporarily frozen pipes. We recommend leaving under-sink cabinet doors open overnight so that warmer room air can reach the pipes. Neither Sleepy Forest Resorts nor the third party owners of any properties managed by Sleepy Forest Resorts shall be responsible for any problems affecting occupancy such as lack of electricity, gas, or water that is out of their control. In such cases, we will offer you alternate lodging if available. If no such alternate lodging is available we will offer you a full refund of any monies paid but we will not be otherwise responsible. We cannot guarantee the response time of any person not in our employ. After plowing and/or snow shoveling, ice may remain and we will not be responsible for any damages caused by slipping on ice. You may encounter delays while waiting for the plow to arrive, and we are not responsible for any such delays. We are not responsible for the response time of third party plow contractors. We recommend approved snow play areas for all downhill snow play. Do not trespass on private property. We will not be responsible for any injuries suffered as a result of snow play. We do not guarantee barbecues will be available at all times. We strive to avoid ants and spiders but it is impossible to eliminate them. Many Big Bear properties have electrical systems designed before this era of devices, and you may easily overload circuits by using too many high voltage devices. DO NOT FLUSH anything other than toilet paper! You may be charged extra if you clog a toilet with any other items. None of our units have air conditioning. Fans are available on a first come first serve basis, but hot conditions can be avoided by closing windows early in the morning and opening them in the evening. Our warmest days reach the low 90s, and most nights drop to 55 or lower. We are available 24 hours for emergencies, but please respect our family time by limiting non-emergency calls to the hours between 9AM and 7PM.
Neighborhood Considerations Initial: _____
When renting one of our private homes, please be considerate of neighbors. Do not park in the street or trespass on neighbor’s property. We want you to have an enjoyable tome, but we must respect our neighbors. Do not make excessive noise, particularly in outdoor areas. Excessive noise is defined as (but not limited to) loud music that can be heard on neighboring property at any hour, any noise that can be heard by neighbors after 10 PM, loud music from vehicles at any time. Violation of any of these rules is also a violation of local ordinances and will result in immediate eviction without refund, including forfeiture of any deposits.
Private Homes, Owner's Private Property Initial: _____
Some of our rentals are private homes owned by third parties. Often these owners set aside cabinets, closets, rooms, or garages to store their personal possessions and place locks on these doors. Any sign of tampering with these locks WILL result in extra charges for any repair or replacement of said lock PLUS the cost of any missing or broken items. Please respect other peoples’ property by staying out of locked cabinets or rooms. Furthermore, some of these properties may be currently for sale. Agents who wish to show these properties have been instructed to contact our office first. If we receive such notification, we will first attempt to call you on the cell phone number you provide us. If we are not able to reach you, we will authorize any licensed, bonded, agent to enter the premises after first knocking on the door.
City of Big Bear Lake Code Requirements are online at: Phone 909-866-CODE
Your signature below verifies that you have been given a copy of and agree to abide by and hold all of your guests to our terms and conditions:
Guest Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date _________________